How to Make Your Business “Click” PPC Advertising

PPC stands for Pay Per Click – a common Internet advertisement technique. PPC ads, found on websites, advertising networks, and especially on search engines, includes supported links that are usually in the form of text advertisements. Typically, these are put next to search results, where an advertiser pays a certain sum to visitors who click on these links or banners and land on the web page of the advertiser.

PPC ads, in turn, is all about bidding on search engine results and listings for the top or leading spot. Advertisers do this by purchasing or bidding on keyword phrases that are important to their goods or services – the higher the bid, the more people can notice the ad (and click on it to go to their websites, the greater the spot on the search results (this is why some people call it “keyword auctioning”). Every time a visitor clicks on the website, advertisers will then pay the bid amount.

PPC advertising is also known under the following names/variations:

· Pay per placement
· Pay per performance
· Pay per ranking
· Pay per position
· Cost per click (CPC)

PPC advertising is usually done with the following standard procedures:

  1. Setting up an account and/or deposit funds.
  2. Creating a keyword list.
  3. Choosing (and setting up) an account with a PPC search engine.
  4. Bidding on the ad placement, including the search result words or phrases.
  5. Writing out an ad copy.
  6. Setting up the ‘landing pages’ for your ads.
  7. Placing the advertisement in the search engine.

Pay Per Click advertising has many advantages, making it an efficient way of promoting an online business. Below, some of them are listed:

· Get started immediately. PPC ads are launched very quickly – within an hour of winning the offer and paying for it they will go ‘online’.

· Get traffic unique, pre-qualified, and quality. PPC gives you a ranking or a well-targeted traffic. Visitors are narrowed down into ‘qualified individuals that are genuinely searching for particular goods and/or services you provide – those who are more likely to become a ‘guide’ (a convert) and complete a transaction (either by purchasing your product or subscribing to the service you provide.

· Expand your scope. PPC ads, apart from natural or “organic” search engines, offer additional traffic to your website.

· Track your investment. PPC ads uses a monitoring system that determines precisely who and what they do when they arrive at the website – the duration of their stay on the site and the amount of sites they access (including the actual pages). These are useful instruments for statistical determination, such as return on investment (ROI), cost-per-visitor acquisition and conversion rates (the percentage of visitors who are converted into customers or leads).

When working on a pay per click campaign, below are some important items to consider:

  1. Know the product of yours. Take an inventory of the products and/or services you must provide (before anything else).
  2. Within the budget, sit. Determine and stick with your daily or monthly budget. This means having the budget in mind and if possible, preventing bidding wars.
  1. Only the correct offer. Know how to bid right – all your money can be drained by a bid that is too high, while a bid that is too low can make you lose that spot.
  2. Look out for the bottom line. Measure your margin of profit against your expenditures or spending. Know when your PPC software can stop and terminate – whether you spend more on ads but have little to no sales at all.
  3. Find the keywords that are correct. Decide which phrases to select and bid for keywords. Do some keyword research to know the words are often used when searching for things that are relevant to your company, either by actually looking at current search terms or using online keyword recommendation tools. Emphasis on keywords that are unique, not on general ones.
  4. Write powerful adverts. The one that can convince and move a searcher is a successful PPC ad. In this regard, there are many approaches:

· Discount deals
· Testimonies
Celebrity/renowned endorsers
· Promises of money-back
· Free trials or sample offerings
· Freebies
· Psychology in reverse
· Major benefits (“Lose weight”)
· Direct recommendations (“Click here”)

  1. Maintain a web with a professional look. Your material on the web should be revised and reviewed frequently for spelling and grammatical errors. No broken links or photos should be available. The website should be simple – built in such a way that visitors can quickly access and load it. To build a positive impression among potential customers, provide contact information.

PPC ads, properly handled, can be an efficient marketing tool that will optimize the return on your investment.

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Oliver Bugarin, a dedicated blogger and skilled content based in Makati City, Philippines. His passion thrives in crafting captivating articles spanning the domains of travel, tourism, business, information technology, and financial technology. With a keen eye for detail, he extends his expertise to empower professionals, entrepreneurs, small business owners, startups, and growing enterprises in establishing and nurturing a formidable online presence. Through strategic content creation, Oliver contributes to building strong brands and fostering business growth in the digital landscape. Contact him at